Justice & Mission

Justice has a goal: Shalom

To do justice is to remove the constraints that keep people from living the life that God intended.

Our Partners

  • Shine Partnership

    We have a developing, long-term partnership with our nearby elementary school, Marie Hughes. Our Shine volunteers care for and support teachers, students, and families in a variety of ways throughout the year. Watch the training course and get involved here.

  • Aspire Academy

    Located in the Bugesera Region of Rwanda, Aspire Academy aims to end generational poverty through wholistic education. We deeply believe in the values of Aspire and leaders, Ivan and Jordan Mbaraga. This partnership includes relationship, financial support, and partnership / mutual learning trips.

We believe in doing work that is

  • To contextualize means that we don’t bring our preconceived notions of who people are or assume their needs, but instead, we listen, learn, and love in the name of Jesus according to his example and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

  • Mutuality is a relationship where people engage as equals - each party is seen as a contributor and learner who holds dignity, value, and insight. Mutuality is a posture of “we have something to learn from each other”. As a result, all parties are built up, made stronger, and experience greater kinship with one another.

  • A wholistic view of ministry is to recognize God’s care for the whole person - to bring the Gospel that is good news to the physical, spiritual, emotional, and social well-being of a person. That the whole Gospel would meet the whole person and as a result, God would use whole people to redeem whole communities.

Financial blessing, care & support

  • Change for a $1

    On Sundays, drop a dollar into one of the red boxes in our space. Prayerfully keep your eyes open, then submit a request to use these funds to bless a neighbor.

  • Benevolence

    The church is a family that does its best to ensure no one remains in need. Every dollar of this fund goes to pay for things like bills and emergency maintenance. Learn about giving and receiving here.

Join Jesus on mission